One of the topics I’m asked about most often by younger women is confidence — how to gain more, project more, BE more. There are tons of articles on confidence — everything from body language to visualization techniques and more. A lack of confidence seems to be something that affects almost everyone at one point or another and I’ve written on my thoughts about the “Imposter Syndrome” I see so many women experience. I came across this article in Fortune by entrepreneur Beth Monaghan and it spoke to me. It’s her attempt to teach confidence, which I do believe is possible, and I found her advice to be spot on and extremely applicable in a workplace setting. I’d love to hear your thoughts after reading it – do you think successful women can help teach other women to become more confident? What is the best advice you’ve received to help build confidence?

“This Will Make You Make You Appear Less Confident” By Beth Monaghan, Principle & Co-Founder of InkHouse